Room with racks and shelves of clothing

A major part of transitioning is assembling a new wardrobe that allows you to feel more comfortable and show the world who you are.

It can be tough to know what styles and types of clothing will help you in your journey. The cost of clothing can make building your new wardrobe even more daunting.

Members of our community and caring allies have generously donated clothing so that our Gender-Affirming Clothing Closet is there to help members of our community get the gender-affirming wardrobe they need at no cost.

Shopping the Clothing Closet

The Clothing Closet is currently being moved. Please contact us if you’d like to shop the Clothing Closet or subscribe to our newsletter for updates.

The Clothing Closet is a free resource for any member of our community who needs gender-affirming clothing.

Donating to the Clothing Closet

We accept new or freshly-washed clothing that is in good condition, free of stains or obvious wear. Our goal is to provide clothing that our members would be proud to pick from a rack at a major thrift store, except without the cost and in a comfortable, affirming environment. For hygiene reasons, undergarments and socks are only accepted if they are in brand-new condition, with applicable packaging and/or tags.

Please contact us to arrange for dropping off your donated items.